Outcomes in CME-CPD
Reinhard Griebenow, Peter Mills, Jörg Stein, Henrik Herrmann, Malte Kelm, Craig Campbell & Robert Schäfer (2020)
Outcomes in CME/CPD - Special Collection: How to make the “pyramid” a perpetuum mobile,
Journal of European CME, 9:1, 1832750, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1832750
Bernd Hagen & Reinhard Griebenow (2020)
Prescription Rates for Antiplatelet Therapy (APT) in Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) – What Benchmark are We Aiming at in Continuing Medical Education (CME)?,
Journal of European CME, 9:1, 1836866, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1836866
Katie Stringer Lucero, Jelena Spyropoulos, Doug Blevins, Martin Warters, Alesandro Norton & Jacob Cohen (2020)
Virtual Patient Simulation in Continuing Education: Improving the Use of Guideline-Directed Care in Venous Thromboembolism Treatment,
Journal of European CME, 9:1, 1836865, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1836865
Danny Burke, Eva Hofstädter-Thalmann & Gordon McVie (2020)
Outcome Measures in Online Educational Videos,
Journal of European CME, 9:1, 1836867, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1836867
James Bannister, Mia Neve & Celeste Kolanko (2020)
Increased Educational Reach through a Microlearning Approach: Can Higher Participation Translate to Improved Outcomes?
Journal of European CME, 9:1,1834761 DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1834761
Anne Jacobson, Cara L. Macfarlane & Eugene Pozniak (2020)
Feasibility of Integrating a Mobile Decision-Support App into a Multicomponent CME Initiative: Developing Clinician Competence at the Point of Care,
Journal of European CME, 9:1, 1834762, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1834762
Loh Wei Qi, Audra Barclay, Tina Garcia & Lisa Sullivan (2020)
Fostering Interprofessional Patient-centred Collaboration in Healthcare through CPD: Our Learnings from the PARTNER Programme,
Journal of European CME, 9:1, 1834763, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1834763
Janet Damaske, Wendy Walsh & Jennifer McKay (2020)
CME in the Time of COVID-19: Educating Healthcare Professionals at the Point-of-care and Improving Performance Outcomes,
Journal of European CME, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1832798
Wendy Cerenzia, Desirae Janowiak, Richie Castles, Annette Triebel, Scott Williams & Megan Becker (2020)
Outcomes in CME/CPD - Special Collection Standardising Outcomes Assessment: Demonstrating the Power of Comparative Outcomes Data,
Journal of European CME, 9:1, 1832797, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1832797
Alexandra Howson & Wendy Turell (2020)
Qualitative Outcomes in CME/CPD: Exploring Non-Linear Contexts and Lived Experiences in Patient-Directed Interventions,
Journal of European CME, 9:1, 1834760, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1834760
Katie Stringer Lucero & Pan Chen (2020)
What Do Reinforcement and Confidence Have to Do with It? A Systematic Pathway Analysis of Knowledge, Competence, Confidence, and Intention to Change,
Journal of European CME, 9:1, 1834759, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1834759
Jason J. Olivieri & Mary Catherine Downes (2020)
Outcomes in CME/CPD – Special Collection: Effect Size Benchmarking for Internet-based Enduring CME Activities,
Journal of European CME, 9:1, 1832796, DOI: 10.1080/21614083.2020.1832796